Hydrogen: An Emerging Medical Gas

Hydrogen: An Emerging Medical Gas

INTRODUCTION Molecular hydrogen (i.e. H2 gas) is gaining significant attention from academic researchers, medical doctors, and physicians around the world for its recently reported therapeutic potential [1]. One of the earliest publications on hydrogen as a medical gas was in 1975, by Dole and colleagues from Baylor University and Texas A&M [2]. They reported in the journal Science that…

Calculating The Dose Of H2

Calculating The Dose Of H2

What Is “ppm”? The ppm is an acronym for “parts per million”, a unit of measure that describes how much of one substance (called the “solute”) is dissolved in a sample of water (called the “solvent”). This is a measurement of concentration (or density), which can often be helpful in our daily lives. The ppm…

Hydrogen: Alternative Fuel To Alternative Medicine

Hydrogen: Alternative Fuel To Alternative Medicine

(Also published on the Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine website, September 2018) Hydrogen gas (H2) has been extoled for its use in “green energy” as an alternative fuel, but biomedical research over the past decade suggests it also has therapeutic biological benefits.  For example, the preliminary 1000+ preclinical and clinical studies have reported hydrogen to have…

Can Hydrogen Peroxide Make Hydrogen Gas?

Can Hydrogen Peroxide Make Hydrogen Gas?

How Hydrogen Peroxide Decomposes: Water and Oxygen Sometimes people confuse molecular hydrogen (H2) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), thinking they are somehow the same or can create hydrogen water. While hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) can indeed decompose, it typically separates into water and oxygen gas, not hydrogen gas. The decomposition reaction looks like this: 2H2O2 → 2H2O…

The Complete Guide to Molecular Hydrogen Therapy

The Complete Guide to Molecular Hydrogen Therapy

What is Molecular Hydrogen? Molecular hydrogen is a gas. It is made of two hydrogen atoms. These atoms are bonded together with a nonpolar covalent bond, which means it is very stable. Hydrogen gas, in concentrations between about 5% and 78%, is highly explosive. However, the atmosphere contains only very small amounts of molecular hydrogen,…

How your support furthers MHI’s mission

How your support furthers MHI’s mission

When you share our social media posts, read our articles, and purchase our courses, you are supporting the mission of the Molecular Hydrogen Institute (MHI) which is to provide education on, advance research about, and promote awareness of molecular hydrogen’s therapeutic potential. Here is how MHI worked to fulfill its mission in 2023 Advancing the…

Importance Of Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP)

Importance Of Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP)

HIGH POSITIVE ORP = DISINFECTING POWER A high positive ORP is desired in sewage treatment, swimming pools and spas,  because the higher the ORP, the more oxidation will occur, thus killing the bacteria and unwanted pathogens, by stealing electrons from the bacteria’s DNA, cell membranes and proteins.1Chlorine is added to water because it has a high ORP…

How To Get Molecular Hydrogen

How To Get Molecular Hydrogen

METHODS OF ADMINISTRATION There are a number of methods to consume molecular hydrogen gas (H2),1 including inhalation of H2,2 injection of H2-rich saline,3 dropping H2-rich saline into eyes,4 taking a bath in H2-rich water,5 increasing H2 production by intestinal bacteria,6topical application,7 oral ingestion of hydrogen producing tablets,7 and simply drinking H2-rich water.8 WHICH METHOD IS THE BEST? Each one of the following methods has a been…

Alkaline, Alkalinity, & “Alkalyzed”

Alkaline, Alkalinity, & “Alkalyzed”

Introduction It’s almost impossible to have a conversation about ionized water without hearing the terms alkaline, alkalinity, or alkalized (also misspelled as “alkalyzed”). Distributors/marketers and sales agents will frequently use the phrase “the alkalinity of the water” when what they are really referring to is its higher pH. The Root of the Confusion One cannot look…

MICROCLUSTERING: The Making Of A Myth (Part 1 Facts, Claims And History)

MICROCLUSTERING: The Making Of A Myth (Part 1 Facts, Claims And History)

WATER CLUSTERS Physical chemists are well aware of water’s mysterious nature1 and the many different forms of water clusters2 due to hydrogen bonding.3 Very little about water clusters in bulk phase (i.e. water not at the surface or edges of another material) is understood.4 In fact, it is considered to be one of the unsolved problems in chemistry.5  These clusters…

MICROCLUSTERING: The Making Of A Myth (Part 2 The Evidence Is Invalid)

MICROCLUSTERING: The Making Of A Myth (Part 2 The Evidence Is Invalid)

SCIENCE FOR STABLE MICROCLUSTERS: THEY DO NOT EXIST There is no valid scientific evidence for the existence of these microclusters,1,2,3 but the myth continues to be propagated because there are seven main pseudo (false) evidences for it, which are used by companies and marketers to promote their products. What follows is a brief discussion of these…